Ms. Aguirre's 4th Grade Science

More Fun and Useful sites

*National Geographic For Kids is one of my favorite sites to use to play games, watch videos, and read some interesting science related articles.
*Discovery Kids is a great site to use to play some fun science games and explore the popular educational TV series online.
*Science News for Kids is a great website to use to not only improve on your science skills, but your ELA  and Math skills as well. Includes great activities,  
                online labs, and news articles about current events in science, just for kids! We've used articles from this website in our Science class this year.
Electricity: "Circuit World" is a great game where you can create your own circuits using lights, motors, buzzers, and switches. Test your circuit at the end
                  of construction to see if it works! This website, "Electricity Interactive Games and Activities" also includes many other great games to further
                  your knowledge on electricity and circuits.
Magnetism: "Magnets & Springs" allows you to explore how the distance you pull back the spring affects how far the magnet will travel. It also allows you
                   to test which objects are magnetic and which are not.
Food Chains: "Kid's Corner- Food Chain Game" takes you through food chains found in nature, starting with the most simple chains and growing into larger
                  food chains. Can you place the organisms in the right spot in the food chain?
Forces: "Parkworld Plot" is an interactive game all about forces. You are hired as an investigator to see which amusement park rides are being tampered
             with. Go through a series of stages all about forces to find the broken ride.
Plants:"The Life Cycle of Plants" allows you to explore the different parts of the life cycle, including seed dispersal, seed growth, and parts of a flower.                 Other sheets and activities are included.